How to Demand the respect you deserve from others

What exactly qualifies as disrespect???

Disrespect can be defined as a disregard or lack of consideration for someone’s feelings, boundaries, or autonomy. It goes beyond mere disagreement and manifests in various ways. Here are some examples of behaviors that qualify as disrespect:

Here's a few examples of disrespect:

  1. Invalidating someone’s emotions or experiences.
  2. Interrupting or talking over someone.
  3. Ignoring or dismissing someone’s opinions or ideas.
  4. Name-calling, insults, or derogatory remarks.
  5. Mocking or belittling someone.
  6. Making demeaning jokes or comments.
  7. Engaging in passive-aggressive behavior.
  8. Disregarding personal boundaries or consent.
  9. Gaslighting or manipulating someone’s perception of reality.
  10. Spreading rumors or gossiping about someone.

My personal story :

As someone who has struggled with self-esteem for most of my life, I know all too well the toll that a lack of self-respect can take on one’s mental health and overall well-being. For years, I allowed negative self-talk and the opinions of others to dictate how I viewed myself, and it wasn’t until I hit rock bottom and completely lost my mind lol. After this experience I realized just how important it is to love and respect yourself and how I could start doing just that.

If you’re reading this, chances are you’re in a similar place. Maybe you feel like you’re not good enough, or you don’t deserve the things you want in life? Maybe you’ve been in toxic relationships that have left you feeling drained and unfulfilled. Whatever the case may be, I want you to know that you are not alone, and there is a way out of this cycle.

Learning how to respect yourself is a journey, and it’s not an easy one. It requires a lot of self-reflection, patience, and sometimes even therapy. But I promise you, it is worth it. When you start to truly value yourself and your worth, everything else in your life will fall into place. You’ll make better decisions, attract healthier relationships, and feel a sense of peace and contentment that you may have never experienced before.

In this blog post, I want to share with you some tips and insights that have helped me on my journey to self-respect. These are things that have worked for me personally, and I hope they can be helpful to you as well. 

So how do I start demanding respect? Here are a 7 things that helped me:

1.) Communicate Assertively:

Clearly and confidently express your thoughts, feelings, and boundaries to others. Use “I” statements to assertively communicate your needs and expectations. By asserting yourself respectfully, you set the tone for how others should treat you.



This took some trial and error for me if we are being completely honest. It wasnt until I fell in complete love with myself that I learned how important to honor and stand up for myself was. Not because I thought I was better than the next person but simply because I deserve to be treated respectfully just like anyone else. This was a very challenging concept for me to digest. I was so use to overlooking disrespect. Now I have the confidence to speak assertively which in turn commands respect.. I have to say I love my experience so far:)

2. Set Clear Boundaries

In order to demand respect you have to honor your personal boundaries and communicate them to others. Be firm in stating what is acceptable and what is not TO YOU. The  “to you” is important here because what may be a boundary for you may not be for the next person. With that being said you really have to honor your boundary at all times. I say this because there will be people that come around to make you question yourself and ultimately try to convience you to eliminate the boundary.


After you’ve did everything to keep and honor your boundary and someone still tries to overstep them. This is when you calmly but assertively reinforce them. Consistently upholding your boundaries sends a clear message that you demand respect. In my opinion a boundary isn’t something you tell others. It’s what you allow and don’t allow naturally. 

With this blog post we are going to  be teach you how to get different results. be sure to check out more articles like this one to further your self love journey at The Self Love Diary… Now back to the article 🙂

3.)Practice Self-Advocacy:

Advocating for yourself in various areas of life, such as your career, relationships, or personal goals. Speak up for what you deserve, whether it’s a promotion, fair treatment, or recognition for your accomplishments. In personal relationships communicate the things you don’t like.


I found that I didn’t like standing up for myself but instead complain that whoever involved didn’t just naturally Treat me the way I desserved. I made it about other people and how I would make them feel instead of honoring how their behavior and treatment towards me made me feel. When you begin to actively advocate for yourself, you establish yourself as someone who demands and deserves respect and surprisingly that’s exactly what you’ll begin receiving .

1. Stand Up Against Disrespect

When you witness or experience disrespect, take a stand against it. Address the issue directly with the person involved or seek support from others who can help address the situation. Refusing to tolerate disrespectful behavior sets a precedent that you demand respect and won’t settle for anything less.

Standing up for oneself can be challenging, especially for those who struggle with confrontation or fear of rejection that may stem from childhood trauma. However, with practice, anyone can become the person who confidently speaks up for their needs and desires with out the guilty feeling . 

2.Develop and Display Self-Confidence:

Cultivate self-confidence by recognizing your strengths, accomplishments, and unique qualities. Embrace your worth and let it radiate through your actions, body language, and overall demeanor. Displaying self-confidence sends a clear signal that you expect and deserve respect from others.

Confidence is one of the gifts that just keeps on giving. Here’s why I believe that to be true. Confidence in ourselves gives us the ability to embrace our true potential and conquer any challenges that come our way. It gives us the courage to push ourselves past the limits we have placed on ourself… which helps us become the very best version of ourself.


If you were/are like me then you may have struggled with confidence. You may have been confident in some areas of your life but overall you could tell you were lacking in the areas that truly counted. If this is you then … The first thing you’d want to do to begin to develop confidence is to believe in yourself. I know easier said than done right.. Start by just paying attention and recognizing your strengths. Acknowledge your accomplishments, and celebrate all the things that make you.. you. It’s about embracing who we are, flaws and all, and realizing that we are worthy of success and happiness.


I know  it’s not just about inner belief; it’s about putting that confidence into action. “BECAUSE WE GOT MOTION” Im sorry y’all I just had to be  slightly unprofessional for a moment there. I truly wouldn’t be me  if I didn’t heheh:) . Seriously though we have to step out of our comfort zones, take risks, and embrace new experiences. If confidence is something you lack implement new strategies to get you to your goal.. Confidence.

3. Practice Active Listening:

Show respect to others by actively listening to them. Provide your full attention, maintain eye contact, and genuinely engage in the conversation. By actively listening, you not only show respect to others but also model the behavior you expect in return.

Being a great active listener goes beyond simply hearing the words someone is saying; it’s about fully engaging with them, showing genuine interest, and creating a safe space for open communication. Many empaths have this skill naturally but that doesn’t mean this skill can’t be acquired. 


The first step to becoming a good good listener is to give your undivided attention to the person speaking, putting away distractions and truly focusing on their words. We can show our interest through non-verbal cues like maintaining eye contact, nodding, and reiterating what the person has already said so we make sure we are truly understanding them. But active listening is not just about the external signals; it’s equally about understanding the underlying emotions and perspectives behind what is being shared.


We can achieve this by asking clarifying questions, paraphrasing their thoughts, and reflecting back their feelings. By doing so, we demonstrate empathy and validate their experiences, fostering a deeper connection while simotaneously building trust. When we genuinely listen to others, we create an environment of respect and appreciation, where their voices are valued and their thoughts are acknowledged.


So, let’s embark on this journey of becoming exceptional active listeners, recognizing the impact it can have on our relationships and in turn the respect we earn from those we choose to connect with .

4. Hold Yourself Accountable:

Take responsibility for your actions and hold yourself accountable when you make mistakes. Admitting your faults and taking steps to rectify them demonstrates integrity and self-respect. When others see you holding yourself accountable, they are more likely to respect you and take responsibility for their own actions.

We all have those moments when we struggle to stay on track with our goals and commitments if not then I’ll just speak for myself. If you are like most of us that struggle… Here’s the not so secret… secret : accountability.


The first step is to acknowledge that discipline might not come naturally to you, and that’s okay. Embrace your journey and understand that self-improvement is a lifelong process.


Next, set clear and achievable goals, breaking them down into manageable steps. But here’s the game-changer: find an accountability partner or join a supportive community that shares similar aspirations. By sharing your progress, challenges, and victories, you create a sense of shared responsibility and motivation with everyone who’s involved.


To maximize your experience transparency will be needed.   Share your struggles, setbacks, and wins to create  an atmosphere of trust and authenticity.

5. Surround Yourself with Respectful Individuals:

Surround yourself with people who consistently treat you with respect and dignity. Choose friends, colleagues, and partners who value and appreciate you. Being in the company of respectful individuals helps reinforce the expectation of respect in your life.

6. Embrace Self-Care and Self-Worth:

Prioritize self-care and nurture your self-worth. Engage in activities that promote your well-being and cultivate a positive self-image. When you prioritize self-care and self-worth, you set a standard for how others should treat you.

It all starts with embracing the idea that self-care isn’t selfish; it’s a necessity I know how cliche. By prioritizing our physical, mental, and emotional well-being, we send a powerful message to everyone around us of our self-worth.


 As we invest time and energy in nourishing our selves we cultivate an inner radiance that shines outward. Others are naturally drawn to those who exude confidence, positivity, and self-assurance.


By honoring our needs, we teach others how to treat us. When we value ourselves and honor our worth, we invite others to do the same. So, indulge in self-care, practice self-compassion, and bask in your uniqueness.


Your journey towards self-discovery and self-worth will pave the way for the respect and admiration you deserve. Embrace it, my dear friends, and watch as the world responds in kind.

7. Lead by Example:

Be a role model for respect by treating others with kindness, empathy, and consideration. Demonstrate respect in your interactions with others, regardless of their status or background. Leading by example inspires those around you to reciprocate the same level of respect.

Leading by example means embodying the values and principles we hold dear. It’s about actively practicing what you preach sort of speak. Inspiring others through our own actions.


When we lead with honesty, compassion, and determination, we create a ripple effect that resonates with those we encounter. Our choices, whether big or small, have the power to inspire others to follow in our footsteps to some degree. By demonstrating respect, empathy, and resilience, we show others the path to 


By being true to ourselves, embracing our strengths, and working on our weaknesses, we become people who unknowingly inspires those around us.


So, let your light shine (all my small town  baptist chruch goers started singing the song right there. lol. I just know it) , lead with purpose, and watch as the respect and admiration naturally flow to you. 

final thoughts....

Demanding respect from others is  the quickest way to ensure that you don’t receive the very respect you’re demanding. The only way to obtain and keep respect is develop courage, self-awareness, and unwavering belief in your own worth. It is a deeply personal and emotional process that begins within yourself. You must first cultivate a strong sense of self-respect and love


Your then must embrace your uniqueness, celebrate your strengths, and hold yourself accountable for your actions.


Remember, demanding respect is not about seeking power or control… lol please don’t go around yelling at people “RESPECT ME” it doesn’t work that way. You demand respect by recognizing your inherent value just by being you and refusing to settle for anything less than what you believe you deserve.


By leading by example, practicing empathy, and treating others with kindness and consideration, you create a ripple effect that inspires respect in those around you.

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