Hey girl hey!







Hey Girl Hey!!!  Im Shantie the face behindTheSelfLoveDiary ! As of December 2023 I will be an Arizona State University Alumni with a Bachelor’s  degree in Behavioral Science.

My fascination for understanding the “why” behind human behavior was something Ive been passionate about since I was a little girl to be completely honest..

My curiosity has caused unnecessary stress that’s for sure  lol. In all seriousness though my curiosity has helped provide a greater understanding of my behavior.

 Due to my curious nature i’ve been able to dive deep into my inner wounds and cultivate my best self. Diving deeper into my inner world has helped me cultivate self- awareness.

  Because of the inner work I can navigate my inner world not only confidently, but also  healthily. I now know how to effectively show up, stand up and love on myself unapologetically! I no longer feel ashamed or anxious to cater to myself in whatever way I feel necessary at that time.

As you continue reading my story you will gradually put together the pieces  of how I got to this point and my hope is that through my vulnerability you see a glimpse of yourself. I’ll try my best to keep it brief …. but.. no promises lol

Meet Our Author

   Soo.. to be completely transparent.. My self love journey has been one for the books. There’s been moments where ive navigated through life 110% loving myself. There have also been NUMEROUS amounts of times ive found myself struggling to provide the basic 10% of love for/to myself.


   There have been times where I openly stood up for myself and my boundaries with confidence and boldness.


   In contrast there have also been times where people pleasing controlled me, so much so… I felt that it was impossible to stand up for myself. I became so use to valuing others over myself so much so… I neglected ME! I neglected MY needs. I neglected MY standards.

     With experience from both spectrums of all things self love. I believe Its time I tell my story. I believe it’s time I became vulnerable publicly to encourage, inspire and motivate anyone currently struggling to show up and love themselves .


     To be completely honest this will NOT be an easy journey. Progress will fluctuate from time to time. Be willing to accept the good days with the bad.. I guarantee the reward will be worth everything that has lead up to this point. I hope you’re ready to fall in love with you again. 

XoXo –

Loving Me Again


    The decision I made to fall involve with myself deeply pushed me to my limits. It was a decision I didn’t even know I needed to make. However now that I am walking in Love. I now successfully show up in the world as my most authentic self. This Blog is a direct manifestation of me choosing to love myself again.


   My journey back to me consisted of isolating myself from everyone for a little bit, so I can get back in touch with me. Self isolation was mandatory for me. I was so involved with people pleasing I had truly lost my own identity. In that much needed isolation period God helped me remember who I am at my core… with a little dash of who I have evolved into. 


   I share this with you all to reassure you. YOU ARENT ALONE. Your story is unique and it needs to be told. The minute I chose to love me again was the minute I took back control. Before, I felt as if I was a slave to the expectations of others , but through the love I cultivated for myself… IM FREE. Now its your turn 

Always forever

The new relationship you form with yourself will be the greatest relationship you ever experience. The commitment you make to loving you will cause a ripple effect in all other aspects of your life. So let's get ready to create, honor and execute your new found vows to yourself... Your love for you should transcend time...This is a forever thing. It's time to finally get serious about YOU!

Cheers to the Journey

“If you are always trying to be normal, you will never know how amazing you can be.” – Dr. Maya Angelou

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